Global Compact
The Hager Group has been a member of the Global Contact since April 2007, a worldwide pact concluded between commercial business enterprises and the U.N.O., to provide globalisation with greater social and ecological benefits.
Commitment for Responsible Action
Global Compact was officially proposed to all interested managers of concerns in the world in 1999 by the then U.N. General Secretary, Kofi Annan on the occasion of a speech before the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. On 26 July 2000, the operative stage was officially initiated.

- Human Rights: business should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
- Working Conditions: no child labour, no discrimination, elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
- Environment: the promotion of ecologically friendly technologies
- Anti-Corruption Activities
Strong values
All those values represented by the Global Compact correspond with the values practised within the Hager Group.
In its corporate responsibility, the Hager Group orients itself on the basic principles written into the Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations as well as on the basic standards of the International Labour Office, on the OECD guidelines for multinational companies, and it thus already corresponds with the principles of the Global Compact.
With this form of self-conception, the Hager Group makes every effort to contribute to a greater familiarity for- and the protection of human rights within its sphere of influence and, as a member of the Global Compact supports its suppliers and business partners in acting in accordance with the principles described.
In its corporate responsibility, the Hager Group orients itself on the basic principles written into the Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations as well as on the basic standards of the International Labour Office, on the OECD guidelines for multinational companies, and it thus already corresponds with the principles of the Global Compact.
With this form of self-conception, the Hager Group makes every effort to contribute to a greater familiarity for- and the protection of human rights within its sphere of influence and, as a member of the Global Compact supports its suppliers and business partners in acting in accordance with the principles described.